Moses Kapito Story

November 10, 2022 no comments Eunice Golloh Categories News

Meet Moses Kapito, a 7-year-old boy from Malawi who was born crippled on August 22, 2015. Her mother is Miss Grace Seyani from Nsambwe village, T/A Chadza in Lilongwe, Malawi.

The boy can’t walk since he was born and the father abandoned him and the mother at the age of 3 months old. He has been raised by a single mother and life has not been easy for them in terms of shelter, food, clothing as well as their movements.

The wheelchair he has been using now is old and needs replacement. IWI met this boy last month and tears came out of our eyes when we heard the story.

IWI joined forces with Prophet Joseph Njazi ministries on a campaign to raise funds for the following items for this boy and the mother :

  1. To buy a new wheelchair
  2. Basic needs e.g food, cloth
  3. Start a small business for the mother.

We are glad we could also support this initiative. Join in and make a difference.